This Building Category is not currently available in your area (The Cottage Works, Pennsylvania).
For inquiries about Sheds & Barns, contact The Cottage Works in Wisconsin.

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Sheds & Barns

Our sheds and barns can be used for much more than storage!

Workshops. Home offices. Craft shops. Potting sheds. Farm produce stands. Tack and Feed Rooms. Wood storage. Bus stop shelters.

Our sheds come in wood sided, steel sided, vinyl sided, or with other forms of horizontal lap siding, including Smart Side, Fiber Cement siding, and cedar siding. For each type of shed, we offer a Basic Model or a Deluxe Model.

Any model can be constructed with either a shed style roof (gable roof), or a barn style roof (gambrel roof).

See Colors & Options >
See Prices >

Basic Shed

Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >

Deluxe Shed

Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >


Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >


Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >

Other Lap Siding

Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >

Custom Buildings

Short blurb about use cases, price-point, popularity of style, etc. Doesn’t need to be robust, just a bit of flavor to sell the style.

See Gallery >

Standard Colors: White, Ash Grey, Pewter, Charcoal, Black, Tan, Light Stone, Taupe, Burnished Slate, Brown, Burgundy, Bright Red, Rural Red, Ivy Green, Evergreen, Slate Blue, Ocean Blue.

We can mail or text a color chart upon request.

Custom Paint Colors: We can match any custom color you have if you provide a sample or paint swatch. Custom colors have an additional charge of $25/match, and you keep any leftover paint.

We offer a wealth of added options for any building type, including but not limited to extra windows, shutters, flower boxes, and interior finishing.

Table displaying The Cottage Works (central) pricing and building styles (abbreviated)




Maintenance-Free Upgrades

The prices listed above are for Wood Sided Sheds & Barns. For all other siding options, there is an upcharge to the listed base price of the building.

Steel Sided /
Vinyl Sided

to base price

Lap Siding

to base price

Fiber Cement
Lap Siding

to base price